domingo, 7 de setembro de 2008

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

I'm worried, busy trying to figure out where I stand and why you don't seem to care who's around me when I'm alone.
But it's all my fault. I'm an unmitigated quiter. When the right moment approaches I fleed the scene. Just can't help myself.
You rule my emotions, living without motion without you there. Nowhere to go to and nobody to come home to.
Go ahead and make a stand, you're emotionnaly balanced, unlike me.
I'm not trying to change your ways, just trying to make you come my way.
Just trying.
7 de Setembro de 2008, 00:27

5 comentários:

Geek101 disse...

If you like this person so much you should take a chance, sometimes all it takes is a little push.

You have to stand out if you want to be noticed ;)

Anónimo disse...

lol o zero tem razao =D
se o curtes assim tanto xega a beira dele e dizlhe, kem nao arrisca nao petisca lol.
atirate a ele com unhas e dentes =), ele de certeze ke gosta de ti tambem ^_^

Lu disse...

At least you're trying! So be a passionate girl but dare's the only way for you to be sure that you've done all you could :)

Pedro Pimenta disse...

Try. Try hard for your purpose.
And if you would try you can’t blame yourself.

Anónimo disse...

cristina, não te conheço muito bem mas acho que deves ir em frente e mostrar o que sentes a essa pessoa se realmente gostas dela.

não há nada pior do que amar alguém e não ter coragem para lhe contar(falo por exeperiência própria). so, get up and do something!!