I am very talkative; I talk and talk and talk a little more… especially when I’m nervous or excited about something. I annoy people.
I’m not normal. I can’t act like normal people do, it wouldn’t be fair.
People aren’t just who you think they are…there’s more to that that can meet the eye. So I love symmetries and hate comparisons…
Friends are funny. I can’t say I have many; I have enough to be able to live on.
I never know who to call my friend so I tend to call it to almost everyone I know and then of course all I get is a sidelong glace from a part of myself to the other one, this presuming that I am divided in two parts ( F.Y.I. the rational and the emotional one.)
I’m bearable but it’s not really up to me to say that.
Despite everything I do have a life. I’m not perfect.
Well, I kinda like my true blue ways.
I also have a thing for the writing process as a way to express, usually not perfectly enough, feelings and ideas that live only in our minds.
I just like to write and in English it sounds better because I tend to be more philosophical and less poetic.
Another process I particularly like is the process of meeting new people. It involves, at the beginning, a lack of mutual knowledge of the other one flaws and qualities…the heart of the process is, then, the finding of common details and tastes, most of the time.
And then again it might not happen the way we planned.
I don’t pay any attention to details; the secret is not to let yourself get too attached.
There are moments in life when you need to take a deep breath and enter a journey into the realm of your own mind.
I’m troubled.